mercredi 26 juin 2013

Summer news

The whole Team will finish the Demo Kit till friday... We allow you to donloawd (PDF) it on our website.
this is a news too, the new website!!!

mardi 18 juin 2013

Conpulsion - April 2013 Edinburg

On the long week-end of the 12th of April the Engrenages team went to Edinburg to take part in an important event for the UK roleplaying community.

Our team was accompanied by Phil Harris and his dynamic colleagues, providing us with the opportunity to meet players from across the channel, and we left only to look forward to going back next year!

After being welcomed by Phil who allowed us to stay three full days, we were impressed by the imposing Teviot House which harbored the convention. There we were given the opportunity to meet amazing people from one stand to another.

During our stay we were able to record a podcast with Nearly Enough Dice and complete an interview with Screen-Shaped Eyes, so a great many thanks to N.E.D. For that fantastic podcast: Interview with project Engrenages (link) and to Fiona for Engrenages Interview (link).

Also special thanks to everyone from Conpulsion, especially the organizers, and of course all those who took some of their time to give our game a look and experience it for themselves.

We hope to see you all again soon